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Tami Spry-Stroud

Select the organisation/s that you are certified with. You must have completed both theory and practicum components of your course. This directory is for fully certified instructors only.
Tami Spry-Stroud

Tami Spry-Stroud

Savannah, Georgia, United States of America (USA)
I’m a stay-at-home mother to six children, ages 15-6. My husband and I have been married for 20 years. Our family is an American, nomadic, sometimes expat, family originally from Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and currently living in Tokyo, Japan. My family and I are Christian. I have worked as a doula and childbirth educator in …
Symptothermal, Symptohormonal, Cervical Mucus-only
Nathalie Daudet

Nathalie Daudet

Listed in
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I am a social worker and certified Fertility Awareness Educator (FEMM) based in Winnipeg, Canada. I discovered fertility awareness after searching high and low for a non-hormonal method of birth control. After learning the magic of fertility awareness and the gift of body literacy, I decided to pursue formal fertility awareness training and Fertility Awareness …
Megan McNamara

Megan McNamara

Listed in
Manchester, Connecticut, United States of America (USA)
Megan helps people take charge of their health and connect with their cycles so they can master fertility awareness, flourish in their cycle and be their own health advocates in getting the care they deserve. She is the Co-Creator of The Cervical Mucus Project: an innovative resource devoted to breaking taboo and spreading awareness about …
Tarina Mosley

Tarina Mosley

Listed in
British Columbia & Alberta, Canada
Just like you, I treat my own reproductive health and fertility planning seriously. The stakes are high and timing matters. I do want a family in the future, but I’m not quite there yet.​ My own struggle with high blood pressure, headaches, cramping, and spotting from an IUD led me to explore natural birth control …
Rachel Hammar

Rachel Hammar

Listed in
Harrisburg area, Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA)
I’m Rachel, I’m 28 and have been charting for 2 years. I only became interested charting after having my son, pregnancy and birth taught me how amazing my body can be and how much there is to learn. I wish I would have been charting and in sync with my body from puberty, this has …
Hannah Fenner

Hannah Fenner

Listed in
Nambucca Heads, NSW, Australia
⁠I’m Hannah, a certified FAM educator, body literacy warrior and incredibly proud mum and wife. ⁠⁠As a woman who struggled to conceive for years, I know first-hand what it is to feel powerless over your circumstance. After struggling with conceiving for almost four years, undergoing IUI and IVF, and seeing doctor after doctor, it wasn’t …
Lizandra dos Santos

Lizandra dos Santos

Listed in
Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil
Me chamo Lizandra, mas pode me chamar de Liz. Sou biomédica, acupunturista, e instrutora de percepção da fertilidade. Meu interesse pela percepção da fertilidade surgiu quando passei a estudar os benefícios da Medicina Chinesa na fertilidade, e acompanhar mulheres que estavam tentando engravidar. Então comecei a estudar a percepção da fertilidade e me apaixonei. Os …