Enjoy unprotected sex off the Pill.

Ovulate naturally for health and vitality.

The Symptothermal textbook has all the information you need.
Learn at your own pace, on your own terms.

Save time and money with clear instructions (start charting immediately).

Lend out a copy to curious friends and family members.

Prevent pregnancy naturally and safely with your new knowledge.

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Frequently Asked Questions
I’m trying to fall pregnant; can I still benefit from the Symptothermal textbook?
After reading the Symptothermal textbook you’ll be able to pinpoint your most fertile days every menstrual cycle. This will allow you to target sex to the days most likely to result in conception. This can reduce the time it takes to fall pregnant. A key part of this is learning how to track your cervical mucus, and the Symptothermal textbook has clear instructions and photographs of how to do so.
What will I learn in the Symptothermal textbook?
You’ll learn everything you need to prevent pregnancy safely with the Symptothermal Method. Here’s a sneak peek at the contents:
- Effectiveness of the Symptothermal Method
- Reproductive anatomy
- The menstrual cycle
- The reproductive life cycle
- History and types of FABMs
- How the Symptothermal Method works
- Fertility biomarker: Cervical mucus
- Fertility biomarker: Basal body temperature
- How to close the fertile window (aka how to confirm ovulation)
- How to open the fertile window
- How to adopt a cautionary approach
- Fertility biomarker: The cervix
- Secondary fertility signs
- Fertilisation, implantation and pregnancy
- How to chart to achieve a pregnancy
- Identifying ovulation
- Luteinising hormone test kits
- Preconception health
- How to match sexual behaviour with reproductive intentions
- How to navigate the fertile window
- Information on coitus-dependent contraceptives:
- External condoms
- Internal condoms
- Diaphragms + spermicide
- Cervical caps + spermicide
- Coitus interruptus (aka the withdrawal method)
- Personal lubricants
- Emergency contraception options
- How to navigate the doctor-patient relationship
- Special fertility circumstance: Postpartum
- Special fertility circumstance: Post-hormonal contraception
- Special fertility circumstance: Perimenopause
- Apps and devices
- Charts to photocopy for paper charting
I’m postpartum, and my cycle still hasn’t returned; will the Symptothermal textbook help me?
The Symptothermal textbook has a full chapter dedicated to postpartum, and what you can expect while your fertility slowly returns after birth. It’s vital reading for you if you are going to be postpartum anytime in the near future!
That said, postpartum is not an ideal time to teach yourself the Symptothermal Method. My recommendation in this instance is to opt to work with an instructor of a Symptohormonal Method (such as Marquette) or a Mucus-only Method (such as the Billings Ovulation Method). You can read more about this here: https://fertilitycharting.com.au/2019/03/31/postpartum-fertility-i-just-had-a-baby-now-what/
I’m not in Australia, do you ship overseas?
The Symptothermal textbook ships worldwide. If by chance you don’t see your country listed as a shipping option at checkout, please email support@fertilitycharting.com.au and we will manually add it for you.
I’m in the United States where we use Fahrenheit, not Celsius. Will the Symptothermal textbook still help me?
The Symptothermal textbook includes information for both Celsius and Fahrenheit charters. All of the rules for confirming your temperature shift are laid out clearly in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
I’m perimenopausal; will the Symptothermal textbook help me?
The Symptothermal textbook has a full chapter dedicated to perimenopause, and what you can expect while your fertility slowly declines during the natural reproductive aging process. This chapter is vital reading if you are approaching this life transition!
That said, perimenopause can be a difficult time to self-teach the Symptothermal Method, and it’s recommended to work with an instructor during this time (as ovulation slowly becomes less and less frequent).
Does the Symptothermal textbook use gendered language?
The Symptothermal textbook uses gender-neutral language. It doesn’t matter what your external sex characteristics look like, or how you present your gender: if you produce large gametes (eggs) and are in a sexual relationship with someone who produces small gametes (sperm), then the Symptothermal textbook is for you.
The Symptothermal textbook sounds like exactly what I’m looking for!
We agree! Grab your copy now while stocks are available; the Symptothermal textbook sells out periodically throughout the year and we cannot guarantee when it will be back in stock. We don’t want you to miss out!