Amanda Khanjian

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Amanda Khanjian
Amanda Khanjian

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About Me

I am a Catholic wife and mother. My husband John and our daughter Rose are my greatest treasures. Natural Family Planning has been a blessing in our lives. We have only ever used the Marquette Method as our means of family planning. We have used this method successfully to avoid pregnancy when that was the intent, in both Regular Cycles after we got married and again in the Postpartum phase after having our daughter. I have grown in my confidence in this method as I have lived it and seen it work in my own life! I graduated from DeSales University in 2013 with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing. I then got my RN and have been working as an Emergency Room Nurse for the past 6 years. I started Marquette University College of Nursing’s online NFP program in February of 2018, began teaching clients in October 2018 under the supervision and guidance of my professors and became a certified instructor in September 2019.
