Fertility Charting is an Australian business founded by Symptothermal Method instructor Jessie Brebner. Jessie lives on the Gold Coast of Australia and teaches people around the world how to use the Symptothermal Method to avoid pregnancy naturally, or maximise their odds of conception.
The Symptothermal Method is a Fertility Awareness-Based Method (FABM). FABMs are sometimes known as Natural Family Planning in religious circles. There are many different types of FABMs; however, the Symptothermal Method is one of the most effective.
The Symptothermal Method involves tracking your cervical mucus, basal body temperature and optionally your cervical position. This information can be used to identify the opening and closing of the fertile window each menstrual cycle. This information can be used to avoid pregnancy with up to 99.6% effectiveness with perfect use. It can also assist to maximise odds of conception by timing sex to the most fertile days of the cycle, which may reduce the time it takes to fall pregnant.
The Symptothermal Method (as with all Fertility Awareness-Based Methods) has a high level of user-involvement. This means that if you’re relying on the Symptothermal Method for pregnancy prevention, there is more scope for user error than other long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods such as the Depo Provera shot or an IUD. Because of this, it is important that you learn the method with an instructor to ensure you reach the highest possible effectiveness.
If working with an instructor is financially out of reach for you, you can attempt to self-teach; however, we do not have any studies to prove the effectiveness of self-teaching so there is an unknown level of risk to this option. If you do choose to self-teach, this process must be taken very seriously. You will find a wealth of helpful information on this website, including but not limited to:
- Individual coaching by certified Fertility Awareness Educator Jessie Brebner
- Self-paced video courses and peer support Facebook groups
- A Symptothermal Textbook to self-teach with
- A step-by-step guide to self-teaching
- Cervical mucus photo gallery
- Information about the limitations of fertility apps and devices
- Recommended basal body temperature thermometers
- Information about your body, your menstrual cycle and your fertility

Be sure to join the Fertility Charting email newsletter, for news and information about the FABM world, and information to help you on your charting journey. You can find the sign-up forms at the bottom of this website.