Pen & Paper is the menstrual cycle charting notebook you’ve been waiting for.

Complete with bullet grid layout for #bujo fans, lunar moon cycle phase charts for Lunaception followers, and charts that are easy to customise.
Choose to use Pen & Paper as a conception and pregnancy journal, or as an ovulation tracking notebook for contraceptive purposes.
Identify your fertile window using the Fertility Awareness Based Method (FABM) of your choice.

Whatever you choose, Pen & Paper will allow you to take back control of your own fertility.

**Scroll to the bottom for a gallery of images**


  • Customisable Charts
  • Custom Tracking
  • Dot Grid Journaling Pages


  • Chart Layout Example
  • Helpful Tips
  • Temp Rounding Guide
  • Cycle Snapshot
  • Moon Phases
  • Year Planner
  • Quotes & Adult Colouring
  • Cycle Number Pages
  • Breast Self Exam – Guide & Notes


Customisable Charts
Pen & Paper includes 15 x 40-day charts. That’s enough for someone with 25-day cycles to chart for a whole year. If your cycles are over 40 days, I recommend doing a little DIY – tear out the subsequent chart and neatly tape it to the edge of your current chart. Fold it over so that it fits nicely within the other pages.

Each chart is fully customisable across most Fertility Awareness Based Methods*.  Each chart can be tweaked according to whether you are trying to conceive, trying to avoid, or tracking to gain insight into your reproductive health.

Each chart provides the framework for you to build out a layout that works for YOU. Charts are suitable for young teens as “Intimacy/Intercourse” has not been printed – the user can add this field if it is something they are tracking.

Please see the Charts tab on the menu for examples of Chart layouts for different Fertility Awareness protocols and users.

As an example, each chart can be customisable to include any of the below that are relevant to you:

  • Your own temperature scale – this has been left blank to ensure Pen & Paper is usable for you whether you have “normal” temps or run exceptionally hot/cold. It is also left blank for those users who follow a Cervical Mucus-only protocol.
  • Cervical Mucus (symbols/colours)
  • Cervical Mucus Notes
  • Vaginal Sensation
  • Cervix Tracking
  • Menstruation
  • OPK Testing
  • Monitor Testing
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Intercourse
  • Lengths of previous cycles
  • Dates of previous peaks and shifts
  • Moon Phases

The below fields are pre-printed on the chart for you:

  • Day, Date and Time (of temperature).
  • Cycle Day
  • Un-rounded Temperature

Custom Tracking
Each chart is mirrored by a custom tracking page that allows you to track any observations, supplements, symptoms or activities you would like to keep track of. This is a great way to track the progress you make with personal goals such as exercise, sleep, mood and digestion – the list is endless. It’s also a great way to see how your daily observations coincide with the different phases of your menstrual cycle, and allows you to track whether specific supplements are making a direct impact. Each custom tracking chart has a reminder on Cycle Day 7 to carry out a Breast Self Exam, along with a daily spot to mark whether you have a corresponding journal entry.

Dot Grid Journaling Pages
Because Pen & Paper is a journal you will be using every day, it makes sense to combine it with your journaling practice. I’ve included 5 dot journal pages after every chart. If you notice specific kinds of cervical mucus or you have a questionable temperature – record the potential reasons why in the journal area and make a note on the Custom Tracking page that there is a journal entry for this day. The beauty of dot journal pages is that you can create a weekly layout that works for YOU!

Temp Rounding Guide
For anyone who second guesses whether they’ve rounded a temperature correctly, this page is for you. I’ve included the rounding rules commonly used for both Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Cycle Snapshot
Are you actively working to improve the health of your menstrual cycle? You can track and compare some helpful markers in the Cycle Snapshot chart:

  • Cycle Number
  • Start Date
  • Peak Day
  • Temp Shift
  • Luteal Phase Length
  • Cycle Length

Moon Phases
If you’re curious about menstrual lunar syncing and want to track to see if there’s a pattern, I’ve included two year’s worth of lunar phase charts for you to refer to.

Year Planner
Pen & Paper is designed to hold enough charts to be used for one full year. I’ve included a year planner (to cover at least two years), so that you can see at a glance what you’ve got coming up on the radar.

Quotes and Adult Colouring
I’ve included 15 feel-good quotes with a hint of life-inspo that you can either colour or take a quiet moment to read through. They’re a nice reminder when things get a little tough that the big things in life are really what counts.

Chart Layout Example and Helpful Tips
I’ve included an example chart layout for the Sympto-thermal Method. You can find further chart layouts on the Charts tab of this website. I’ve also included some helpful tips to keep the transition from app to paper as smooth as possible.

Cycle Number Pages
Each cycle is introduced by a Cycle Number Page. Whether you are on cycle number 3 or cycle number 53, here is where you can keep track of your current cycle number.

Breast Self Exam – How To & Notes Page
Take advantage of a monthly reminder on Cycle Day 7 to carry out a routine Breast Self Exam (BSE). I’ve included a “How To” page with instructions and what to look out for, plus a dedicated spot to record anything you find. The point of regular BSE’s is to understand and track the feeling of your own personal “normal”.

So there you have it – everything you’ll see when you first open the pages of Pen & Paper.

It’s the full package!


*Please check with your instructor prior to purchasing Pen & Paper Fertility Awareness Charting Journal to confirm whether your protocol will be compatible with the charts.